
Letra de Instant Of The Hour After - Suzanne Vega

Letra de canci�n de Instant Of The Hour After de Suzanne Vega lyrics

That's enough.
Out of you.
My darling.
This show is over for now.
The monkey is dead.
I detest all this drunken brawling.
Now let's see if you can make
it into this bed.

How I love you.
How I loathe you.

It's a sharp, quick love.
I feel.
My darling.
You're not as drunk as you seem.
So why pretend.
On your cheek, that sweet
shadow falling.
The pulse in your neck, how I'll
know it, right to the end.

How I love you.
How I loathe you.

All you can say is:
"Reverberating acuity."
"Lousy simile."
"Vacant majesty."

In the instant of the hour after.

Well right now.
It's you and me. My darling.
Trapped here inside of this bottle.
drowning like flies.
When the frenzy's over.
We're crawling.
Spent and exhausted.
we press to the sides.

How I love you.
How I loathe you.

Letra subida por: An�nimo

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La letra de canci�n de Instant Of The Hour After de Suzanne Vega es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Suzanne Vega Instant Of The Hour After lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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